The Rght Knife for the Use

Whether you are a hiker, someone who enjoys the outdoors, a cook, a carpenter or all of the above, there is a suitable Marttiini knife for every situation. 

The most important thing about a good knife is that it is chosen specifically for the user. The knife has to be the right size in order to be used safely and efficiently. Other criteria to consider in selecting a knife are the size and shape of the blade and the material of the handle, to suit the intended use.

A traditional carving knife is a good choice for a allround knife. With a fishing knife it's important to have a stainless blade. With a filleting knife, make sure the handle fits your hand and that the length and flexibility of the blade suit the fish being filletted. For instance, a big fish requires a longer blade, a tough-boned fish such as a zander calls for a stiffer blade, whereas a more flexible blade is better suited for salmon and trout.

Other properties of the knife improve its comfort of use. For instance a Martef coating that makes cleaning easier and minimizes friction allowing the blade to slice fluidly through the meat, whether you're filleting fish or handling game.

The Sharpest Edge

The Blade of the Knife

The manufacturing of a Marttiini blade is a demanding and time-consuming process. First a steel mass is rolled into a steel strip, out of which blade preforms are cut. The preforms are then tempered and cooled to the correct hardness.

A firm grip at all times

Knife handle

The handle of a knife has to fit the hand well. The easiest way to find the best fitting handle model is to try them yourself. The intended use naturally affects the choice of the shape and material of the handle.

Safe and at Hand

Knife sheath

The function of a sheath is to protect the knife and its user whenever the knife is not being used.